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Endoparasite, Equines, Ethiopia, Prevalence, Risk factors

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Suleymen Abdureman Omer, & Kedir Abdi Hassen. (2021). EPIDEMIOLOGICAL FEATURES OF EQUINE ENDOPARASITES IN ETHIOPIA. European Journal of Life Safety and Stability (2660-9630), 3, 21-35. Retrieved from http://www.ejlss.indexedresearch.org/index.php/ejlss/article/view/19


Equines contributed a lot to livelihood of Ethiopian people in terms of income generation, public transport, ploughing, threshing and ambulatory service for sick humans and animals, however various health problems hamper their contributions and of which endoparasitism is the major one. A number of studies conducted in different part of Ethiopia reported high prevalence of equine endoparasitism. Several species of endoparasite were identified at different prevalence in different parts of the country. These studies also indicates that species, age, sex and body conditions of animals were found to be an intrinsic host factor, while climatic condition and management were identified as extrinsic risk factor contribute for the epidemiology of endoparasitism in equines. Limited accessibility of information on agro-ecological based data and lack of detailed study on the general epidemiological status of endoparasitism in different parts of the country were identified as gaps for research area. Finally further epidemiological study on the spatial and temporal distribution of endoparasites infection in equines is recommended.    

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